Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mariners Game

Here's some pics from today's Mariner's game. It was a big game. Ken Griffey became #7 in career home runs. Yay Griffey. We still won. Yay Mariners! Before the game Ethan got to be part of a T-ball parade around the field. He of course ran right up to the moose since that seems to be his favorite part of the games, always has. T-ball season is over, finally. It was cute but a couple of games too long for the little kids. I think we'll hold off on baseball for a while and stick with soccer. Anyway, here's some pictures from the game. Check out the videos. I added two new ones.

Ethan and his teammates walking with the moose.
Ethan & Haley at the last T-ball game

Walking with the Moose

Playing the Piano

1 comment:

Laura McGee said...

love the pics and videos way cute!