Thursday, October 18, 2007


Hey guys! I know it has been awhile. I have been really bad about taking pictures lately. Shame on me. I'll work on that. As many of you know a huge tragedy struck here in Washington and 10 skydivers were killed in a plane accident last week. I was friends with one of the guys on the plane named Casey. We went to his memorial last week and although his closest friends and family have a long road ahead of healing and sorrow I am ready to move forward and learn what I can from my friendship with him. My first step is figuring out something I have never done before but want to and go do it. Casey always did what he wanted to do in life and his lifetime was not wasted. I have decided this week that I am not going to let my life pass me by. So now is the time to go out and live. The reason I am telling you all this is because I want all of you to figure out the things you want to accomplish in your life and do it. So, my first thing I want to do is spend as much time as I can with the people I love and care about. Unfortunately with everyone spread around the world it makes it a little harder, but I am going to do what I can. So, no longer is the answer to take care of things tomorrow, do it today because you don't know when tomorrow won't be there.

So, now that I have spouted off on my little rant I hope to see comments here about what you want to do but haven't yet.

I didn't really mean to go off on this little rant here, but I did. I really just meant to put up some more pics of the kids. So here they are:

Look at those teeth!!

Ethan loves his kitty Alex

Addie's first experience with a bowl and spoon


Laura McGee said...

i love the pictures!! and the message! totaly true. and with kason now i really am just forgetting the busy day life and spending as much time with him, just cuddeling and soaking in the moments!

Unknown said...

I really want to take dance lessons. Would ya' do a beginner's ballet class with me so all the 6 yr olds in tights wont be so intimidating?

I <3 the post lady.